Terms of Use

UPLOADING PHOTOS: By uploading digital images and data to this site you are granting the Iowa Gravestone Photo Project the right to use all materials provided.  We reserve the right to crop, enhance and resize images to meet the needs of the project.  All data and image submissions will become a permanent part of the Iowa Gravestone Photo Project.  The submitter has given permission to the Iowa Gravestone Photo Project to store the file(s) permanently for free access.

USE OF PHOTOS ON THIS SITE: Persons or organizations desiring to use digital versions of the photos contained on this site for use on another web site or in publications must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and also contact the site Project Coordinator with proof of this consent.

PHOTO OWNERSHIP & COPYRIGHT: Photographers retain full copyright of their original photo.  The Iowa Gravestone Photo Project claims ownership of the "copy of the photo" uploaded to our site.

HOT LINKING PROHIBITED: Direct linking to the graphics on this web site is prohibited. This is considered "Hot Linking" and in effect you are stealing bandwidth from this web site. Images used on your site must be saved to your computer or server and not referenced in your html code to the images located on our server. Embedding images located on any domain or sub-domain belonging to the Iowa Gravestone Photo Project from your html documents is considered bandwidth theft.

This site is also subject to IAGenWeb - Terms, Conditions, and Disclaimers

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