Summit CemeteryScott County, IowaUploaded 11/18/2011 by
[Email]Benjamin is the brother of Robert buried nearby. Born June 13, 1819; Died June 13, 1819
Obituary - Benjamin Criswell, aged 85 years, and one of the old residents of Scott county, died at his home at noon today [26 Jan 1905] after an illness of several weeks. The old gentleman had been lingering near death’s door for several days and his end was expected.
A telephone message to friends in the city conveyed the news of his death this afternoon. The cause of death was pneumonia.
He was born June 13, 1819 in Pennsylvania, in Blair county. He came to Scott county in 1851, and had lived in Eldridge most of the time since, on the place where he died. He is survived by three sons, Andrew B Criswell, at home, Asbury Criswell of Charter Oak, Iowa, and Orville Criswell of Crawford county.
The funeral will be held Sunday morning from the house at 10 o’clock with services in the summit church at 11 o’clock and interment in the Summit cemetery. [Hand-dated, Jan. 26, 1905]