Stayskal CemeteryTama County, IowaThe stone is well worn today (2002) but in 1980 it could be read:
Albert husband of Francis (Frances) Wolf,
Died Oct. 3, 1874, Aged 47 years
Farwell my wife and my children all
From you a father Christ doth call
Mourn not for me it is in vain
To call me to your sight again
His wife, Frances, b. ca 1831 - 25 Mar 1921 is buried next to him but does not have her own stone. Their youngest child and son, Frank, is buried about 20 or 30 feet from them. In 1980 all he had was a funeral marker and today that is gone, no stone marks his place of burial. He was born Sep 1870/72 and died in 1957, he never married.