Penn Center Cemetery - Madison County, Iowa

A:   ALEXANDER, Gregory Myles; ALEXANDER, Jeffrey Bruce; ALEXANDER, Margie Algreen; ALEXANDER, Stacey "Buffy"; ALGREEN, Bruce; ALGREEN, Fern; ALGREEN, Marie; APPLEGATE, Darla Dee; APPLEGATE, Dwayne M.; APPLEGATE, Wilma B.; ARMSTRONG, Dene; ARMSTRONG, Earl; ARMSTRONG, Gerald S. "Tony"; ARMSTRONG, Paul; ARNBURG, Bonnie M.; ARNBURG, Max Harry; AURAND, Mabel D.
B:   BANKER, Alonzo S.; BANKER, Alonzo W.; BANKER, Etta M.; BANKER, Infant Son; BANKER, Jacob T.; BANKER, Lemuel; BANKER, Martha Snyder; BANKER, Mary A. Baker; BARNISH, Matthew J.; BARR, Anna M.; BARR, Arthur C.; BARR, Lillie; BASNER, Larry; BASNER, Lynn Ann; BEAMAN, Claude; BEAMAN, Elsie; BEESON, Anita A.; BEESON, Ben F.; BEESON, Beverly Anita; BELGARDE, John Will; BENNETT, Marvin D.; BENNETT, Patricia A.; BENSON, Charles P.; BENSON, Ethel I.; BERRY, Lois; BERRY, William A; BEVERLIN, Dorothy C.; BEVERLIN, Max C.; BISSELL, Caroline L.; BISSELL, Edith G.; BISSELL, Elmira; BISSELL, Grace Stewart; BISSELL, Infant Daughter; BISSELL, Infant Son; BISSELL, O. B.; BISSELL, W. G.; BLOMQUIST, Geraldine R.; BLOMQUIST, Mary A.; BLOMQUIST, Sven C.; BLOOMQUIST, Adela; BLOOMQUIST, August; BLOOMQUIST, Carl Andrew; BLOOMQUIST, Harold E.; BLOOMQUIST, John; BOND, Dorothy; BOND, Emma S.; BOND, Frank; BOND, Harley E.; BOND, William N.; BOOTHROY, Florence E.; BOOTHROY, Franklin E.; BOOTHROY, Jessie Fern; BOOTHROY, Mary F.; BOOTHROY, William Thomas; BOSLEY, Alice; BOSLEY, Clara V.; BOSLEY, Clarence; BOSLEY, Howard K.; BOSLEY, Jose; BOSLEY, Mont S.; BOYD, Mary Jane; BOYLE, Arena J.; BOYLE, Brian Kelly; BOYLE, Clifton H.; BOYLE, Cora; BOYLE, Coradon; BOYLE, Dale R.; BOYLE, E. Grace; BOYLE, Ervin; BOYLE, Family Stone; BOYLE, J. Maurice; BOYLE, Jerald Morris; BOYLE, Keith Michael; BOYLE, Laura; BOYLE, Lela Willison; BOYLE, Lester G.; BOYLE, Lucille M.; BOYLE, Marilyn J.; BOYLE, Mary E.; BOYLE, Millie; BOYLE, Newton S.; BOYLE, Robert L.; BOYLE, Ruth M.; BOYLE, Ted Keith; BOYLE, Vicky Lea; BRADSHAW, Alice A.; BRADSHAW, Stephen R.; BRAINARD, Cora E.; BRANAM, Esther L.; BRANAM, Robert A.; BREAKENRIDGE, Althea Perkins; BREAKENRIDGE, Clarinda; BREAKENRIDGE, Family Stone; BREAKENRIDGE, Francis; BREAKENRIDGE, Helen M. Perkins; BREAKENRIDGE, James; BREAKENRIDGE, James; BREAKENRIDGE, James Glenn; BRICKER, A. Melvin; BRICKER, Amy L.; BRICKER, Angeline R.; BRICKER, C. Earl; BRICKER, Cephas D.; BRICKER, Charley L.; BRICKER, Clarence G.; BRICKER, Dorothy D.; BRICKER, Earl E.; BRICKER, Elizabeth; BRICKER, Ella Mary; BRICKER, Ethel Marie; BRICKER, Family Stone; BRICKER, Father; BRICKER, Gertrude; BRICKER, Irma L.; BRICKER, Jacob; BRICKER, James G.; BRICKER, Kenneth M.; BRICKER, Mabel; BRICKER, Mabel B.; BRICKER, Mother; BRICKER, Ralph A.; BRICKER, Russell Ralph; BRICKER, Walter M.; BRUNER, Caroline; BRUNS, Alice L. Scar; BRUNS, Donald D.; BUCK, Laura E.; BURCOMBE, George; BURCOMBE, George T.; BURCOMBE, Helene W.; BURCOMBE, Marian
C:   CARRINGTON, Claude; CARRINGTON, George T.; CARRINGTON, Lela B.; CARRINGTON, Louisa; CARTER, Infant Son; CLINE, Blanche B.; CLINE, C. P.; CLINE, Freddie; CLY, Emily B.; CLY, G. Woodrow; CLY, George H.; CLY, O. Marie; CLYDE, Emmett H.; CLYDE, Goldie R.; COLGIN, Ida M.; COLGIN, John S.; COLGIN, Thomas W.; COLGIN, Thomas W.; COLLINS, Henry; CONKEY, Beulah E.; CONKEY, Claire E.; COUCH, Elva A.; COUCH, George W.; COUCH, Olive M.; COX, Charlie H.; COX, Della; COX, Dosha A.; COX, Isaac P.; COX, James E.; COX, James R.; COX, Leah P.; CRAWFORD, Cash A.; CRAWFORD, Charlie; CRAWFORD, Earl E.; CRAWFORD, G. Marie; CRAWFORD, George W.; CRAWFORD, Grace M.; CRAWFORD, Hazelle A.; CRAWFORD, Joe Phillip; CRAWFORD, Merle E.; CRAWFORD, Mina; CRAWFORD, Mina P. Banker; CRAWFORD, Sarah E.; CRAWFORD, Solomon P.; CRESWELL, Edna F.; CRESWELL, J. Kermit; CRESWELL, Janice Caroline; CRESWELL, Kermit James; CRESWELL, Nicholas James; CROSS, Cecil H.; CROSS, Emma C.; CROSS, Eva; CROSS - COCHRANE, Family Stone; CUMMINGS, Karl Morford; CUMMINGS, Ruth M.; CUMMINGS, Willard F.
D:   DAY, Florence May; DAY, Lamoine J.; DAY, Michel K.; DAY, Morgan A.; DAY, Scott Jr.; DEVAULT, Albert J.; DEVAULT, Charles H.; DEVAULT, Charles Jesse; DEVAULT, Estella; DEVAULT, Frank; DEVAULT, Hazel M.; DEVAULT, John; DEVAULT, Jonathan; DEVAULT, Malinda; DEVAULT, Marion C.; DEVAULT, Mildred; DEVAULT, Minerva J.; DEVAULT, O. J.; DEVAULT, Sarah Jane; DONALDSON, Florence E.; DONALDSON, Herbert A.; DONALDSON, Mamie A.; DUNMIRE, Harold M.; DUNMIRE, Harry; DUNMIRE, Helen Wigton; DUNMIRE, Mae
E:   EARP, Bertha; ELLIS, Myrtle James; ELLIS, V. Eugene; EMMERT, Infant daughter; EYERLY, Alice Griswold
F:   FAGEN, Albert C.; FAGEN, Harold Marvin, Jr.; FAGEN, Marie Benson; FARR, Helen E.; FARR, Robert G.; FAUST, Carl E.; FAUST, Francis L.; FAUST, Heidi DeAnna; FAUST, Hilma A.; FAUST, Viola Jean; FETT, Clyde; FETT, Clyde C.; FETT, Eldora M.; FETT, Eli; FETT, Emma; FETT, Emma; FETT, Esther A.; FETT, Harvey A.; FETT, Henry J.; FETT, J. J.; FETT, Jenete; FETT, Lawrence F.; FETT, Louisa; FETT, Maria; FETT, Philip J.; FETT, William; FINK, Mae Marie Taylor; FINK, Oliver Francis; FOLEY, Joseph Francis; FOLEY, Ruth Arlee; FORGY, Cameron D.; FORGY, Charles M.; FORGY, Dorothy V.; FORGY, Linda J.; FRANTZ, Franklin; FRANTZ, Mary C.; FRITZ, Frank; FRITZ, Sophia
G:   GARMIRE, Catherine; GARMIRE, Ellsworth D.; GARRISON, Bessie M.; GARRISON, Charles H.; GARRISON, Dorothy Mae; GARRISON, Edna B.; GARRISON, Herman Verl; GARRISON, John C.; GARRISON, Randy Eugene; GARRISON, Ricky D.; GARRISON, William B.; GILMAN, Everett J.; GILMAN, Irene; GILMAN, Lola Marie; GILMAN, Mabel Boyle; GILMAN, Marlin; GILMAN, Roger Lee; GILMAN, Roy A.; GIRDNER, Betty; GREENWELL, Dixie Lee; GREENWELL, Jerry Parke; GREENWELL, Patricia Ann; GREENWELL, Samantha Lynn; GRIMES, Baby; GRISWOLD, David M; GRISWOLD, David M.; GRISWOLD, David M. III; GRISWOLD, Doris H.; GRISWOLD, Emma J.; GRISWOLD, Glenn H.; GRISWOLD, Hannah; GRISWOLD, John A.; GRISWOLD, Lula E.; GRISWOLD, Martin; GRISWOLD, Mary J.
H:   HADLEY, Allen M.; HADLEY, Infant Son; HADLEY, Lizzie; HADLEY, Maude M.; HARRIS, Richard Lee; HARTMAN, F. Inez; HARTMAN, Sidney J.; HATFIELD, Elmer Dale; HATFIELD, Glenda May; HATFIELD, Mary Louise; HATFIELD, Steven Dale; HEIMBERGER, Ann L.; HEIMBERGER, John K.; HENKLE, Delma L.; HENKLE, John O.; HENNEN, Ann P.; HENNEN, E. V.; HENNEN, Ebenezer H.; HENNEN, Joseph; HENNEN, Sarah; HICKS, Harry M.; HICKS, Lena M.; HOCHSTETLER, Clair E.; HOCHSTETLER, Dorothy M.; HOCHSTETLER, Francis B.; HOCHSTETLER, Patricia L.; HOUSEWERTH, Ida May; HOUSEWERTH, Ollie May; HOUSEWORTH, Family Stone; HOWELL, Lilah M.
I:   IMBODEN, Bertha; IMBODEN, Clifford C.; IMBODEN, Edd; IMBODEN, Family Stone; IMBODEN, Fredrick; IMBODEN, Helen M.; IMBODEN, J. Fred; IMBODEN, Louisa; IMBODEN, Lovie Jane; IMBODEN, Mary Ann; IMBODEN, Roy A.; IMBODEN, Ruth Ida
J:   JACKSON, Margery Imboden; JACKSON, William Lee; JAY, Charlie E. W.; JAY, Frank; JAY, Maude Ellen; JENKINS, Janet J.; JENKINS, Richard B.; JOBST, Adolph; JOBST, Carl Edward; JOBST, Ida N.; JOBST, Mary Wells; JOBST, Roy Carl; JOBST, Ruth K.; JOHNSON, Clarence F.; JOHNSON, Winifred I.; JONES, Byron N.; JONES, Chester L.; JONES, Cora N.; JONES, Family Stone; JONES, Gracie E.; JONES, Helen W.; JONES, Joseph E.; JONES, Mildred L.; JUNKIN, Effie Mae; JUNKIN, Etta Stewart; JUNKIN, George Thompson; JUNKIN, Infant Son; JUNKIN, James Frank; JUNKIN, James L.; JUNKIN, Jennie Fleming; JUNKIN, Mary McQuie; JUNKIN, Rebecca J.
K:   KAIL, Hiram; KALB, Elizabeth J.; KALB, Family Stone; KALB, Michael; KALB, Viola S.; KELLER, Jean Ann; KELLER, John R.; KITT, Eliza J.; KITT, John; KNIGHT, Edson C.; KNIGHT, Edson C.; KNIGHT, Eldora L.; KNIGHT, Laura; KNIGHT, Laura L.; KNIGHT, Thelma I.; KNIGHT, Wyman D.; KNIGHT, Wyman D.; KOBOLDT, Harry F.; KOBOLDT, Martha E.; KOBOLDT, Pearl T.; KOEHLER, Mary L.; KOEHLER, W. L.; KUHNS, Patricia A.; KUHNS, Robert D.
L:   LEE, Family Stone; LEE, Hannah B.; LEE, Henry Clyde; LEE, W. K.; LEE, William Ebenezer; LEEPER, Claire F.; LEEPER, Elizabeth; LEEPER, Ethel A.; LEEPER, Evelyn; LEEPER, Faye E.; LEEPER, Fern G.; LEEPER, Frank A.; LEEPER, Fred W.; LEEPER, George; LEEPER, Gertie; LEEPER, Harry L.; LEEPER, Hezekiah; LEEPER, Infant Son; LEEPER, Jesse; LEEPER, K. Lloyd; LEEPER, Lillian E.; LEEPER, Lyda M. G.; LEEPER, Merle J.; LEEPER, N. Mertice; LEEPER, Nancy; LEEPER, Netta A. Stanford; LEEPER, Ross A.; LEEPER, Ruth DeVault; LEEPER, Stephen M.; LEEPER, Susie; LEHMAN, Carrie Neff; LEHMAN, Charles E.; LEHMAN, Ruth T.; LENOCKER, Alice; LENOCKER, Asenith E; LENOCKER, Betty M.; LENOCKER, Christian; LENOCKER, Daniel; LENOCKER, David H.; LENOCKER, Guy W.; LENOCKER, Jacob W.; LENOCKER, Jasper W.; LENOCKER, L. G.; LENOCKER, Mattie W.; LENOCKER, Olive L.; LENOCKER, Ora A.; LENOCKER, Ray M. "Bud"; LENOCKER, Robert; LENOCKER, Susanna; LILLIE, M. Eugene; LILLIE, Marguerite K.; LINN, Bernice; LINN, Earl; LITTLE, Hazel M.; LITTLE, John A.; LORIMOR, Alden C.; LORIMOR, Martha W.; LOUDENBACK, Reuben; LUND, Herbert; LYDDON, Francis H.; LYDDON, Hazel L.; LYDDON, Ila; LYDDON, Jessie Mabel; LYDDON, John M.; LYDDON, Lela E.; LYDDON, Patricia M.; LYDDON, Wayne; LYDDON, Wm. Orville
M:   MAFFIN, Charles A.; MAFFIN, Marilyn K.; MAPES, Clara M.; MAPES, Emma; MAPES, Festus A.; MAPES, Franklyn G.; MAPES, Laura A.; MAPES, Lois M.; MAPES, Lola R.; MAPES, Orrin; MAPES, Sumner, Sr.; MARSTON, Edwin F.; MARSTON, Flora E.; MARSTON, George W.; MARSTON, Jasper E.; MARSTON, Malinda J.; MARSTON, Susan W.; MARSTON, Tabitha; MARSTON, W. F.; MARTIN, Daisy Wetrich; MAULSBY, Howard R.; MCCLEARY, Esther; MCCLEARY, Herbert E.; MCCLEARY, LaVere; MCCLEARY, Marcella; MCCLEARY, Millard; MCFARLAND, James W.; MCFARLAND, Ruth E.; MCGOWAN, Joseph; MCKIBBEN, Nita B.; MCQUIE, Alexander; MCQUIE, Dicy; MCQUIE, Family Stone; MCQUIE, Family Stone; MCQUIE, Isabell; MCQUIE, Jennie; MCQUIE, Maggie; MCQUIE, Peter; MCQUIE, Peter; MCQUIE, William; MCQUIE, William J.; MEACHAM, Achilles M.; MEACHAM, Clarinda M. McMillen; MERRILL, Ruby; MILLER, Elizabeth; MILLER, Joseph K.; MITCHELL, Dwight S.; MOORE, Asa L.; MOORE, Bruce A.; MOORE, Clarence C.; MOORE, Dorothy May; MOORE, Fred D.; MOORE, Isabell; MOORE, Judith Marie; MOORE, Lois A.; MOORE, Nettie M.; MOORE, Virgie L.; MOORE, Wilbur L.; MOORE, Wilma G.; MORELAND, Dorrence D.; MORELAND, John Jacob; MORELAND, Louise Walker; MORELAND, Norma J. Compton; MORFORD, Della; MORFORD, Dorothy; MORFORD, Fred H.; MORFORD, Fred Jr.; MORFORD, Hazen A.; MORFORD, Jasper; MORFORD, Lillian E.; MORFORD, Verna Louise; MULLINS, Gerald W.; MULLINS, Hazel M.; MULLINS, Lisle R.; MURPHY, Charles O.; MURPHY, Cilvia L.; MURPHY, Family Stone
N:   NEFF, Family Stone; NEFF, Isaac D.; NEFF, John G.; NEFF, Loraine Sarah; NEFF, Mae; NEFF, Nancy J.; NEFF, Neil L.; NELLIS, Martha E.; NELLIS, Merl E.; NELSON, Dean R.; NELSON, Eileen A.; NELSON, Margrette E.; NELSON, Stanley O.; NEVITT, Beulah E.; NEVITT, Jay D.; NEVITT, Unknown; NIBLO, Fred L.; NIBLO, Fredrick J.; NIBLO, Nettie A.; NIDA, Mary Cly; NIDA, Robert
O:   ORAHOOD, Victoria
P:   PARKISON, Gladys I.; PARKISON, Willard G.; PAYNE, Edward H.; PAYNE, Family Stone; PAYNE, Hope L.; PAYNE, Margaret M.; PAYNE, Mary E.; PAYNE, Olive B.; PAYNE, Omer K.; PAYNE, Thomas D.; PEARSON, Emily Jane; PEARSON, Millie Mae; PEARSON, Milton LeRoy; PEARSON, Samuel H.; PEER, Lois Jane; PENN, Edna Pauline; PENN, Harold Russell; PIATT, Emeline; PIATT, George A.; PIATT, Gwendolyn H. C.; PIATT, Jacob H.; PIATT, Judy Patricia; PIATT, Keith Allen; PIATT, Lawrence J.; PIATT, Lewrena J.; PIATT, Mabel L.; PIATT, Marlin H.; PIATT, Marlin Hubert; PIATT, Phyllis W.; PIATT, Vivian M.; PIATT, Walter J.; PIATT, Warren Allen; PIATT, Wicuff; PIATT, Willard V.; PIPER, Anna; PIPER, Isaac; PIPER, Magdalena "Lena"; POERINK, James; POERINK, John; POWELL, Beverly E.; POWELL, J. Gordon; PRESTON, Leslie M.; PRESTON, Lucia A.
R:   RANDALL, James A.; RANDALL, Pearl; ROARK, Annie Y.; ROARK, Bert M.; ROARK, Charles F.; ROARK, Edgar G.; ROARK, Inez F.; ROARK, James R.; ROARK, Jennie Belle; ROARK, Otto; ROARK, Sarah A.; ROBERTS, Florence; ROBERTS, Thomas A.; ROSEMAN, Charlie T.; ROSEMAN, Maggie; ROSS, Homer L.; ROSS, Verna M.; RUTHERFORD, Paul C.; RUTHERFORD, Vera M.
S:   SCAR, Alvin C.; SCAR, Anna Elizabeth; SCAR, Christine M.; SCAR, Darlene E.; SCAR, David; SCAR, Dennis D.; SCAR, Dorothy H.; SCAR, Edward; SCAR, Ethel; SCAR, Fred; SCAR, Jere L.; SCAR, Katharine I.; SCAR, Leonard C.; SCAR, Norman C.; SCHLARB, Alfarata; SCHLARB, Clarence G.; SCHLARB, Eliza; SCHLARB, Helen J.; SCHLARB, Henry G.; SCHLARB, Lena L.; SCHLARB, Lottie Mae; SCHLARB, Nicholas; SCHLARB, Phillip Peter; SHEPARD, Carl A.; SHEPARD, Eva Moore; SHERIFF, Marvyl; SHOFF, Jerry L.; SHOFF, M. Darlene; SIEBERS, Caroline M.; SIEBERS, Paul T.; SIRDOREUS, Fred; SIRDOREUS, Grace May; SIRDOREUS, Infant Son; SIRDOREUS, L. D. Frederick; SIRDOREUS, Nora M.; SIRDOREUS, Otis; SLAVENS, John F.; SLAVENS, Marjorie A. York; SMITH, Asa; SMITH, Bertha Alexander; SMITH, Burl; SMITH, Carol I.; SMITH, Chester A.; SMITH, Claude; SMITH, Dale E.; SMITH, Elizabeth; SMITH, Elzada Roark; SMITH, Family Headstone; SMITH, Family Headstone; SMITH, Fred; SMITH, Grace Cade; SMITH, L. Pauline; SMITH, Lillie; SMITH, Lloyd K.; SMITH, Maggie S.; SMITH, Martha DeVault; SMITH, Mary E.; SMITH, May DeVault; SMITH, Milton A.; SMITH, Nellie C.; SMITH, Raymond; SMITH, Richard Dean; SMITH, Richard Shawn; SMITH, Robert C.; SMITH, Rosa J.; SMITH, Rose A.; SMITH, Sandra Jean; SMITH, Vina I.; SMITH, W. A.; SMITH, Willard C.; SNYDER, Adam H.; SNYDER, Rhoda; SPEER, Cora L.; SPEER, Lloyd; SPEER, Mabel O.; SPEER, Wilbur L.; STEGALL, Grace; STEGALL, Harry E.; STEGALL, Margaret E.; STEGALL, Sol M.; STEWART, Bert; STEWART, Catherine Hake; STEWART, Family Stone; STEWART, Robert W.; STEWART, Walter A.; STRONG, Eldora Daisy; STRONG, Elvie; STRONG, Floyd; STRONG, Infant Daughter; STRONG, Linda S.; STRONG, Stephen V.; SULGROVE, Agnes E.; SULGROVE, Eva Jane; SULGROVE, Everett S.; SULGROVE, Family Stone; SULGROVE, George B.; SULGROVE, Nell Morford; SULGROVE, Ora F.; SULGROVE, William Sherman; SWITZER, Harry M.; SWITZER, Myrtle; SWITZER, Sherman
T:   TAYLOR, Mildred P. Leeper; TAYLOR, Nellie F.; TAYLOR, Roy; TAYLOR, Stacy Grimes; THRAILKILL, John Ervin; THRAILKILL, Ronald Edward; TORODE, Chester C.
U:   UNDERWOOD, Emerson
V:   VARNER, Hannah Nikole; VOGEL, Etta; VOGEL, Oscar; VOGEL, Pearl; VOGEL, Rose
W:   WATTS, Sophia Maudella; WEATHERLY, Gilbert W.; WEATHERLY, Nellie Mae; WERTS, Alma; WERTS, Catherine E.; WERTS, Donna; WERTS, George; WERTS, James Leroy; WERTS, Lawerence; WERTS, Samuel E.; WETRICH, A. Leon; WETRICH, Anna; WETRICH, Ardith M.; WETRICH, Catherine M.; WETRICH, Clara M.; WETRICH, Edith E.; WETRICH, Perle J.; WETRICH, Wayne W.; WETRICH, William; WILLIAMS, Byrd E.; WILLIAMS, Edward; WILLIAMS, Helen M.; WILLIAMS, Rilla
Y:   YETTER, Lois Margaret; YETTER, Samuel Charles; YORK, Bertha A.; YORK, Carl C.

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